“We ‘are created in the image and likeness of God’ (Genesis 1:26-27). Thus, human dignity is not attained, but rather inherent from the beginning. This was supposed to give us a foundational compatibility for and with God, instead of the fragility of relying upon personal moral perfection, cultural position, or psychological wholeness...” (Richard Rohr)
Understand, Dear One, you have limited offerings if you only give your moral, cultural, and psychological parts in the fight for other people’s dignity within archaic, demeaning systems. BUT you have everything to offer because of Love. “Love is the foundation of everything; we love God by loving others, loving our self, and, finally, loving everything” (Richard Rohr). The beauty is that love is a verb, not just a static state of being. It is in our DNA as we were made in God’s image and He is Love .
The call to Love requires intentionality. Dear One, mind your life. Participate by being Love. In your protest, participate by being Love. In your daily sleeping, waking, walking around life, participate by being Love. When love is low, take time to tend your life with gentleness and Love. Breathe deeply, feel the space around you. Allow yourself to be with the One who is completely Love. Connect with others, ask for help, and allow them to be Love. Dear One, life is a marathon best participated in by being Love. Embrace the dignity Love gives all aspects of your life. Bring it to the thirsty society that needs you being Love with them.
-Dianne Morgan