The Presence of Owls

(I have found Brenda’s writing engaging and thoughtful.I am grateful for her voice, observations, and questions. Thank you, Brenda! -Dianne)

My nature senses have sharpened during the pandemic. I’ve become much more familiar with the birds, chipmunks, rabbits, and other animals that live in and around our yard. In the spring, we discovered we were hosting a pair of barred owls. They’re large, beautiful owls, second only to the great horned owl in size. Watching and listening for them continues to be a highlight of my days. Although I don’t usually look for sermon illustrations in my life, I can’t help but notice connections between how I relate to the owls and how I relate to God.


For a couple of months, the owls basically lived in our trees. I could go out and look at them anytime I wanted. When I was stressed or anxious, their faithful presence calmed me. I felt honored and happy that these majestic animals chose to make their home near us. But as summer set in, they moved to other trees several houses down. I missed them. The first time I heard their loud calls and realized they were still nearby, I felt relieved. Now I know to listen for them around dusk, and as the season starts to change again, I see them more often, flying from tree to tree. Many times in my life, I haven’t felt God’s presence in an obvious way. But when I started looking for Him to show up in unexpected or more subtle ways, I got reassurance that He was still with me.


While I have a lot of affection for the owls, I also have a healthy respect for them. Watching them swoop over open space on the hunt is awe-inspiring. I never forget that they’re apex predators who eat our other animals, and could mess me up if they wanted to. (Once I got too close and one of them started head-bobbing at me; I went back in the house.) They’re magnificent but dangerous. It reminds me of that Narnia quote about Aslan: “Course he isn't safe. But he's good.”


How is God showing up in the midst of your current circumstances? As many of us continue to experience monotony, limitations, and difficulties in our lives, let’s keep our eyes and ears open to how God might be comforting us with His presence and reminding us of His character.

-Brenda Clay
