Equality, Dignity, and Personhood
“In calling forth freedom, consciousness, and love, God is actually empowering a certain kind of equality and dignity between God and humanity, as strange and impossible as that might sound. Yet love is only possible if there is some degree of likeness and equality between two parties. Jesus became that likeness, equality and dignity so we could begin to imagine it as possible for ourselves too.
“One way to read the entire Bible is to note the gradual unveiling of our faces (2 Corinthians 3:18)—the gradual creating of personhood from infants, to teenage love, to infatuation, to adult intimacy, to mature and peaceful union.” (Essential Teachings on Love, Rohr, 2018, p. 63-64).
Ending racism requires consideration of how to become likeness, equality, and dignity with others who are different. It requires an intimacy that provides presence, vulnerability, and ultimately transformation that is healthy and gives space for others to grow into health. This process is one of humbly growing as our own faces gradually become unveiled and unhidden.
In Western Christianity, often people are taught the Bible, being married, and abiding by rules are the values around which discipleship is meant to grow them to being more like Jesus. But, what was Jesus becoming? He became the likeness, equality, and dignity that gave value to us and permission to pursue intimacy not only with him, but with all people or at least the people God brings into our lives. Intimacy, close relationships characterized by equality, dignity and likeness, transforms us.
“We are tempted to avoid the deeper risk of intimacy every step of the way. But biblical spirituality has the potential of creating people who can both receive and give our love, a love that is both risky and free” (Essential Teachings on Love, Rohr, 2018, p. 64).
So be free in love!
-Dianne Morgan