The Season of Lent
I look back over my life and can see liturgical experiences that shaped me. I was not a regular attender of a liturgical church but I visited a few, most notably an Anglican Church when I lived in Australia. I remember the first full observance of Ash Wednesday and Lent with Christ City Church. It was probably 9 years ago, in an exposed brick room with high windows and rugs on the floor with no chairs. I remember feeling moved as I went up with my little rug group for the Imposition of Ashes.
Ash Wednesday, February 17th, marks the beginning of 40 days of Lent. It is provides us a season of reflection and preparation for Holy Week culminating in Easter. The 40 days becomes an observance of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert. Lent has felt austere to me in some ways with emphasis on fasting and sacrifice. However, last year, I found Lent comforting.
It becomes comforting because it is a time of recognizing our own humanity. Lent encourages us to face our selves with our flaws and shortcomings. Last year, I participated in Ignation spiritual exercises and found the humility and honesty refreshing and comforting. My simple flawed self inviting the One who is love to meet me in my messiness. This One who is love accepted the invitation and made it safe for me to see with an honesty that does not condemn but blankets with care. I felt so grounded during this time.
This year, we will observe Ash Wednesday, February 17th, with a short service for the Imposition of Ashes. The newsletter will give you the details for this short service. I am working to provide Spiritual Exercises connected with Lent during Contemplative Prayer Practices on Wednesday evenings (7:30-8:20), as well as a few extra exercises in case you would like to have further personal times of engagement.
Whatever you choose to do or not do, may God meet you in this important season.
Much love