Christ City Church

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Breathing over the World

Today has felt mixed. I can feel the excitement growing inside me with Spring coming and how different everything looks in the glow of Spring, especially after rain. However, I can also feel the tiredness like a puppet master has been pulling at me. All the hard stuff we have faced during this loooooooong season…and yet, I can sniff the air and feel the possibility of new things…or at least sunshine!

Are you ready for change? Are you ready for the hard stuff to end? Have you found yourself a bit impatient? Wanting more and better for yourself and the world around you? I have felt some of this. What it feels like in me is anger.

Anger that is driving, pushing and longing to see good come. Anger that is passion, not rage. Passion is a good thing. It means there is care in this world, but anger needs to know its timing and place like gears that can produce sturdy leverage because of their timing. I think we are on the edge of change, but let’s not loose whatever gift there is in the last bit of this season.

That is hard to say…who would want to stay in this season? I will say the restraints that COVID brought to my everyday life has made things appear even more clear and bright. I am grateful for the opening of my senses to fully see, hear and smell the beauty around me. I found myself fascinated by a bee working over a flower for all that he needed. So glad for his work. I breathed a prayer for his work and his colony.

So, take in, be present to this time and season. What gift is there for you to receive and to breathe out over the world?

(Metaphorically, don’t breathe on people.)

Much love and hope,
